Art in Flux: ARCHIVE
C ommunity
O pen
N etworks
N ow
E merging
C ontemporary
T ransformative
I nclusive
N o application fees
G ender Equality
Art in Flux CIC was founded in 2016 at Lights of Soho gallery in London by the artists Maria Almena, Olive Gingrich and Aphra Shemza. Art in Flux is a community interest company committed to furthering the development of the media arts in the UK. We have a specific focus on under-represented groups such as artists who identify as Neurodiverse, BAME, LGBTQIA+ and women in technology. As an artist-led forum, Art in Flux offers a space for collaboration and exchange as key artists and organisations come together to profile their work. By collaborating with major institutions such as; National Gallery X and the V&A Museum, Art in Flux creates talks, exhibitions, performances, workshops and bespoke digital art commissions to brings these ideas to the wider public, championing innovation in UK arts and culture.
For 3 Years (2020 - 2022), Art in Flux hosted a series of talks and events hosted by National Gallery centred around key themes of the Art in Flux' founders respective practices. These themes include representation of gender in media arts (Gender*uck), media arts and health (Levitations), cultural heritage (Shifting Ground), data (The Invisible), spirituality (Transcendence), sustainability (Radical Ecology), inclusivity (Reclaimed) and social change (Transformations). Please visit a recording of these talks at the National Gallery under the links below:
For 3 Years (2020 - 2022), Art in Flux hosted a series of talks and events hosted by National Gallery centred around key themes of the Art in Flux' founders respective practices. These themes include representation of gender in media arts (Gender*uck), media arts and health (Levitations), cultural heritage (Shifting Ground), data (The Invisible), spirituality (Transcendence), sustainability (Radical Ecology), inclusivity (Reclaimed) and social change (Transformations). Please visit a recording of these talks at the National Gallery under the links below:
Over the last 3 years, Art in Flux in collaboration with National Gallery X, led a public discourse on artistic strategies to address societal needs including the need for equal representation, environmental change and wellbeing. By asking important questions around agency, accessibility and the role technology and creativity play, this discourse now culminates in the ‘Transformations’ event at National Gallery X. In this event we come together to reflect on tectonic shifts in society, and how media artists encounter, engender and question such societal ‘Transformations’.

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TRANSFORMATIONS - Research paper published at EVA London Proceedings 2020
by Shemza, Almena & Gingrich
In collaboration with the Computer Arts Society, Royal College of Art, EVA London and the Luman Art Projects, Event Two is a landmark exhibition for which FLUX have curated a platform for contemporary new media artists. Building on the legacy of Event One, the very first exhibition of the Computer Arts Society at the Royal College of Art 50 years ago, the event will showcase not only original computational artworks from the Computer Art Society’s collection, but also ART IN FLUX, a selection of today’s most radical media artists. The FLUX co-founders, Maria Almena, Oliver Gingrich and Aphra Shemza present ART IN FLUX, representing today’s media arts at EVENT TWO by combining historical aspects of computer art with contemporary arts practices.
EVENT TWO - Research paper by Gingrich, Shemza and Almena

EVENT TWO Research paper to download | |
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As London’s foremost forum for pioneering media arts, Art in Flux is excited to present our latest virtual exhibition Art in Flux: Reclaimed supported by Arts Council England. Celebrating some of the most radical and innovative media artists of our times, Art in Flux: Reclaimed showcases artists from the underrepresented spectra of society, an eclectic avant-garde of diversity featuring women-in-tech, LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse artists.
Curated by the three Art in Flux co-founders, Olive Gingrich, Maria Almena and Aphra Shemza, the exhibition features twelve artists from the Art in Flux community; Aminder Virdee, Aphra Shemza & Stuart Batchelor, Camille Baker, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Enrique Agudo, Kimatica, Natasha Trotman, Olive Gingrich & Shama Rahman, and Ro Greengrass & Maddy James. The exhibition provides a virtual space of visibility for diverse voices within the media arts. Globally accessible, this canon of artistic positions, a vista of equal representation and multiplicity, representing eclectic and vibrant diversity across the media arts.
Access is no longer an afterthought, but a necessity. While media art experiences unprecedented revolutions, artists and audiences with access needs are at the forefront of the discussion around equality of access. Access all Areas envisages new, multi-sensory forms of experience that consider access through such engagement that dissolves the binaries between virtual and physical in favour of more complex, hybrid interactions. Access is no longer just an option, it is a fundamental building block of creativity.
The Access All Areas exhibition features art works by the Art in Flux community, its founders, Maria Almena , Aphra Shemza and Olive Gingrich and some of the UK’s foremost pioneering media artists - with a focus on underrepresentation in the Media Arts. In this quest, the exhibition presents artworks by the artists Aminder Virdee, Analema Group, Aphra Shemza, Ashokkumar Mistry, Becky Lyon, boredomresearch, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Eva Sbaraini, Graham Diprose, Kimatica Studio, Magik Door, Mowgli, Natasha Trotman, Olive Gingrich & Shama Rahman, Paul Friedlander, Stacey Pitsillides & Ghislaine Boddington, Stuart Batchelor, as well as Zarah Hussain.
The Access All Areas exhibition features art works by the Art in Flux community, its founders, Maria Almena , Aphra Shemza and Olive Gingrich and some of the UK’s foremost pioneering media artists - with a focus on underrepresentation in the Media Arts. In this quest, the exhibition presents artworks by the artists Aminder Virdee, Analema Group, Aphra Shemza, Ashokkumar Mistry, Becky Lyon, boredomresearch, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Eva Sbaraini, Graham Diprose, Kimatica Studio, Magik Door, Mowgli, Natasha Trotman, Olive Gingrich & Shama Rahman, Paul Friedlander, Stacey Pitsillides & Ghislaine Boddington, Stuart Batchelor, as well as Zarah Hussain.
Art in Flux artworks have been donated to the Computer Arts Society to ensure representation of historically underrepresented groups as part of the historic collection of the Computer Arts Society. 12 artwork prints have been donated thanks to the generous support of Arts Council of England. These include Stacey Pitsilides, Danielle Brathwaithe-Shirley, Aphra Shemza, Olive Gingrich, Mowgli, Natasha Trotman, Kimatica Studio, Paul Friedlander, Analema Group, Graham Diprose, Becky Lyon and Zarah Hussain