FLUX Events: Illusions
14th December 2017: 7.30-11.30pm
Dalston Boys Club, 68 Boleyn Rd, London N16 8JG
14th December 2017: 7.30-11.30pm
Dalston Boys Club, 68 Boleyn Rd, London N16 8JG
This event explored the idea of Illusions and its implications in the art world and in the creative processes of media artists. Curated by one of Flux hostess' Maria Almena, the event hosted underground and established contemporary artists. As well as a variety of inspiring and avant-garde talks. The audience were invited to engage in the interactive installations and watch experimental live performances.
Talks by: Maria Almena | ComputersArtsSociety | Splice festival | Carl Guyenette | James Edwards | Rachel Freire
Performances by: Lamp & Xuan Sinden
Installation showcases by: Oliver Gingrich, Aphra Shemza, Karel Bata, Carl Guyenette,James Edwards and Mowgli art.
Talks by: Maria Almena | ComputersArtsSociety | Splice festival | Carl Guyenette | James Edwards | Rachel Freire
Performances by: Lamp & Xuan Sinden
Installation showcases by: Oliver Gingrich, Aphra Shemza, Karel Bata, Carl Guyenette,James Edwards and Mowgli art.